
Shawn Labrum

Guiding Utah Governor Tag Holders, Big Horn Sheep, 7 out of the last 10 years


The name Shawn Labrum, Wild Mountain Outfitters has become synonymous with trophy hunting in the state of Utah. He has guided clients ranging from 12 to 72 from all across the USA since 1989, and made many life-long friends in the process. His clients include hundreds of successful trophy hunters, including the State Record Rocky Mountain Goat, Utah’s #3 Desert Bighorn, #4 Rocky Mountain Bighorn. Many of Shawn’s clients return year after year for multiple species, which is one of the reasons we pride ourselves in quality over quantity.

Shawn is a lifelong member of the NRA, the Foundation of North American Wild Sheep and many other conservation groups.

Tax-deductible conservation banquet tags start at $4500 to $50,000 on up (based upon demand, location and species). We can find a Utah hunt to fit your needs. Please Contact Us for information on available tags.

If we provide mountain camp, add 10% government state tax and handling fee.

If hotel needed clients pay own hotel and food.

Hunting references are available upon request.


Hunting packages (5-day hunts):

  • Mule Deer starting at $4000
  • Big Horn Sheep starting at $5000
  • Rocky Mountain Goat starting at $4500
  • Rocky Mountain Elk starting at $5500
  • Additional hunting days at $500 per day
  • Utah Mountain Lion at $6500, 2 guides all inclusive
  • Other species: Contact Us