Since 1989
Professionally guiding Utah trophy hunters
Utah has become the go-to state for trophy big-game hunting, and Shawn Labrum has been one of its most trusted guides for 23 years. Take a look at success photos from Utah's great public and private lands, including monster mule deer bucks, big-horn sheep, mountain goats and more!
We offer top-end quality hunts on key units throughout Utah for hunters who've drawn a trophy unit or purchased a land-owner conservation or state-wide tag. We're licensed, insured, have use permits on BLM & Forest Service lands, and select private properties. Contact Us today!

We help all hunters, including those wanting to purchase "tax-deductible" state-wide Governor / Conservation type tags, and die-hard "do-it-your-selfers" wanting to make the most of the great tags they've drawn. Watch for "X-MARKS THE SPOT" coming soon!